News & Announcements

We will post important announcements and other relevant news as it becomes available. You can also check this page for TRCC Board Meeting dates and times. Check out the rest of our website for ways to get involved at TRCC!

News & Announcements

We will post important announcements and other relevant news as it becomes available. You can also check this page for TRCC Board Meeting dates and times. Check out the rest of our website for ways to get involved at TRCC!


Last Chance To Register!!!

Camper registration for the 2024 camping season is drawing to a close! We have junior and senior week camping available and are planning for four weeks of camp. The cost is $300 per week per camper. This includes all meals and activities. Please see our registration page for details.

If you are unable to attend camp because of finances, PLEASE visit our campership page and fill out an application to have your week paid for in part or in full.

If you’re able to support a campership or other donations, please see our donations page.


Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser


2024 Registration Is Open!

Camper registration for the 2024 camping season is now open! We have junior and senior week camping available and are planning for four weeks of camp. The cost is $300 per week per camper. This includes all meals and activities. Please see our registration page for details.

If you are unable to attend camp because of finances, PLEASE visit our campership page and fill out an application to have your week paid for in part or in full.

If you’re able to support a campership or other donations, please see our donations page.

We are still looking for volunteers for the summer camping season. Please visit our volunteer page for details about getting involved!


What's New?

Area heads have been established for the 2024 camping season. We are recruiting volunteers already! If you have an interest in serving in this lifechanging ministry, please visit our volunteer page to request info in your area of interest

At the last board meeting Matt Chavez of the Kent County church of Christ was nominated and voted in as Vice President for the 2024 camping season. We thank him for his willingness to serve in this capacity. 

Camping weeks for the 2024 season have been established. If the Lord wills and we live we will have another fun, exciting, and spirit-filled summer of memories, adventure, and most importantly, JESUS!

A summer at TRCC is a spiritual investment in the future of a child's soul! Please plan to be a part of it by serving and/or sending your child to camp. We have camperships available to please don't let the cost stop you from participating in this lifechanging opportunity! 



Meeting Agenda: Area head reports

Meeting Time: 7:00pm

Location: Zoom 

Who's Invited: Board meetings are open to the public. If you are looking for ways to get involved, attending a board meeting is a good place to start!


Board Meeting: 10/28/23

Meeting Agenda: First planning meeting for the 2024 camping season. 

Meeting Time: 9:30am

Location: Camp Bethel in Haddam, CT

Who's Invited: Board meetings are open to the public. If you are looking for ways to get involved, attending a board meeting is a good place to start!


Board Meeting: 9/9/23

Meeting Agenda: Close out the 2023 camping season. Address any issues that need attention or closure. DOWNLOAD AGENDA

Meeting Time: 9:30am

Location: Camp Bethel in Haddam, CT. We will be meeting in the room off of the cafeteria.

Who's Invited: Board meetings are open to the public. If you are looking for ways to get involved, attending a board meeting is a good place to start!


TRCC 2024:

We have tentative dates set for our 2024 camping season. Lord willing, we will finalize pricing and registration details and be able to open registration some time following our October Board meeting. 


The 2023 Camping Season:

As the sun sets on another incredible summer at Tidal River Christian Camp, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to those who made it their business to be part of camp this summer:

🙏 To Our Amazing Staff: You are the heart and soul of TRCC. Your dedication, passion, and unwavering commitment to creating a safe, nurturing, and faith-filled environment for our campers is truly inspiring. Your hard work and tireless effort have made this summer unforgettable. Thank you for being mentors, friends, and role models to our campers.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 To the Parents and Guardians: We extend our heartfelt thanks for entrusting us with your precious children this summer. Your support and belief in the values of TRCC have allowed us to nurture their spiritual growth, build lasting friendships, and create cherished memories. We are grateful for your faith in our mission.

🌟 To Our Generous Sponsors: Your kindness and generosity have made it possible for kids from all walks of life to experience the transformative power of camp. Your camperships have provided opportunities for personal growth, faith development, and unforgettable adventures. You have helped us create a more inclusive and welcoming camp community, and for that, we are truly thankful.

🙌 To Every Member of Our TRCC Family: Whether you served as a counselor, volunteered your time, or simply sent your prayers and good wishes our way, your contributions have made a profound impact on the lives of our campers. Together, we have created a nurturing space where young hearts can flourish.

As we reflect on this summer's adventures and look forward to the future, we carry the warmth of your support and the spirit of our camp community in our hearts. Together, we are building a foundation of faith, love, and friendship that will last a lifetime.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. We can't wait to welcome you back to Tidal River Christian Camp next summer for more faith-filled fun and unforgettable memories.

Stay strong in the faith, keep your heart close to the LORD, and keep encouraging others!

With immense gratitude and blessings,
TRCC Board of Directors